Join Oli­wia­’s team

and beco­me a hero, who fights for her life

My name is Oli­wia and I’m 12 years old. I live in Toma­szow
Mazo­wiec­ki and am a stu­dent at Pro­em EDU Chri­stian Edu­ca­tion
Cen­ter. I was born with an under­de­ve­lo­ped sacrum and lower lum­bar ver­te­brae which led to defects of my pelvis, ribs, and spi­ne. Doc­tors said I would­n’t survi­ve my birth and that I would pro­ba­bly only live a few years. I don’t want to die and eve­ry new day I pro­ve to myself that the­ir pro­gno­sis doesn’t have to be true.

Right now my big­gest pro­blem is the pro­gres­sing curva­tu­re of my spi­ne. If it isn’t stop­ped, my spi­ne will slow­ly com­press my lungs.

The solu­tion is a 3-step ope­ra­tion led by Dr. Feld­man of the Paley Euro­pe­an Insti­tu­te which costs 700,000.00 dol­lars. Tha­t’s so much money!

I feel a lit­tle like a comic book super­he­ro who needs to defe­at
an evil adver­sa­ry. I know I can’t do it by myself and need a team of super­he­roes. I’ve alre­ady found 8 who have deci­ded to run across Poland for me.

Ple­ase join my team and sup­port me as I fight for my life.

The latest news about preparations for the event can be found on Facebook and Instagram.

Oli­wia isn’t giving up and we’re not either. We’re run­ning across Poland in order to sup­port her in the bat­tle she faces. We’ll need strength, faith, money, and the sup­port of other super­he­ro­es as we join toge­ther to make it hap­pen.

Do you want to help Oli­wia finan­cial­ly?

Ple­ase send your dona­tion using the onli­ne credit and debit card options ava­ila­ble under make a “Make a Donation” button.

and beco­me a hero
Fundacja Proem Edu
ul. Jerozolimska 1e
97-200 Tomaszów Mazowiecki

The fun­dra­ising event is orga­ni­zed and led by Pro­em Edu, the same foun­da­tion respon­si­ble for star­ting and over­se­eing the scho­ol Oli­wia attends

For more information about other ways to donate or support Olivia’s treatment from overseas, please contact John Crozier at

Proem Edu by-laws

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